Alexander Schouten

Associate Professor Business Communication & Digital Media

AV! - telepresence robot

ICA 2021 – Robomorphism: Examining the Effects of Telepresence Robots on Between-Student Cooperation

Presentation for the 2021 International Communication Association Conference. Together with Tilburg University and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, we investigated if and how telepresence robots affect between-student cooperation.


Summary ECREA-ICSI 2019 Conference

On October 14-16, the 6th bi-annual ECREA-ICSI 2019 conference took place at the department of Communication & Cognition, Tilburg University, the Netherlands. The ECREA-ICSI conference is the bi-annual meeting of the Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Division of ECREA, the European Communication Research and Education Association.


ECREA-ICSI 2019 Conference

October 14-16, my colleagues and I organize the 2019 ECREA-ICSI conference at Tilburg University. The ICSI Regional Conference is the 6th bi-annual meeting of the Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Division of ECREA, the European Communication Research and Education Association.
