We presented the first findings of our project on social media influencers and sexually healthy behavior at the 2020 Dutch STD*HIV*Sex conference (Nationaal Congres Soa*Hiv*Seks). For the first part of our project, we conducted a content analysis of over 170 social media influencer vlogs about sexuality and sexually healthy behavior to identify the strategies that influencers use in promoting healthy behavior. In an interactive session of 90 minutes for about 60 healthcare professionals, we presented our findings, and discussed how to apply these findinds to healthcare practice.
You can find a Dutch summary here: https://www.soaaids.nl/nl/professionals/agenda/nationaal-congres-soa-hiv-seks-2020/safesex-effectiviteit-van-socialmedia-influencers-als-ambassadeurs-van-gezond-seksueel-gedrag.